Things To Do In Udupi

Welcome, welcome - if everything goes as planned this is going to be my new personal blog. Don't worry it won't be so personal that you won't want to read it. This is where I will narrate my travel experiences, share travel tips & tricks, and also share challenges that I intend to take. This will be the place where I take you through my lifestyle design experiments, and hopefully, motivate many more of you to walk a different path.


Because this is my blog, and I can write WHATEVER I feel like! Okay???

Just like my role model Ali G.

So in the spirit of true jourmalism(geddit?), this blog will bring a whole lot of important issues to the fore - like, where can you get the best anda bhurji ? Or which is the best airline to travel if you want to get a good spanking? (United, of course).

It was fitting that the my first post on this blog would be about the town that my ancestors come from. This is also the town where I intend to settle down so I can eat a lot of 'Fish Curry and Rice' and grow a belly that my future wife will be proud of. Still don't know which place I am talking about?

The town is Udupi, and it is on the western coast of India. This is where I spent three years of my childhood and continue to visit the place every time an opportunity comes along. It is not a true blue tourist destination yet, and trust me that is a good thing. So for some of you odd balls who find their way to Udupi by choice or by coincidence, here is a list of things you could do to soend your time while you are there.

Visit the Krishna Temple or Krishna Mutt 

The Krishna temple or Krishna mutt is a bit of a misnomer because it sounds like it is a single temple. But it is not. It is actually a huge complex of temples dedicated to many different gods from Krishna to Shiva and from Swami Raghavendra to Lord Ganesha.

If you are one of those who is fascinated by Malgudi Days, a little bit of imagination will transport you to that world especially during early mornings. However, if you aren't the early rising type(oops), no sweat. Later in the day is good as well because you can couple a visit to the temple with the anna dana  or the lunch that temple offers to its visitors. It is pretty delicious, and more importantly it is FREE!

Google map link:

Have a pure veg meal at Arya Samaj

One of the little joys of visiting Udupi is to be able to eat at Arya Samaj. No, it is not a place with rich food and great variety. It is a small restaurant within the temple complex which serves set meals during lunch time.

The location has changed now and the new restaurant is modern, but I was a big fan of the Arya Samaj meals house on the first floor of a building where its environs were cool and there was very little light.

Thankfully, the food retains the old taste. It is light, mildly flavoured and feels good both for the body and the soul.

I walk out with a smile each time I eat here. And dare I say this, I am yet to come across a vegetarian meal which feels better than this one.

How to find the place? 

Ask for Arya Samaj when you are close to Krishna temple. Now the catch is there are two Arya Samaj restaurants, run by the same people, but one does snacks and the other one does only lunch time meals. You know which one to look for.

Visit Malpe Beach

Apart from the Krishna temple, the only other destination of bonafide tourist interest is Malpe beach. If people know of Udupi, they probably know it because of this long stretch of sand and sea.

Come evening and there are many locals who go to the beach for a break or to sip on some tender Coconut water or Soda. Many also make the short journey to St Mary's Island from here, which I am yet to make.

Google map link:

Go to Delta Beach

Picture credit: Ajit Karkera

Now this one is a secret you will be happy I shared it with you. This is arguably the most scenic part of Udupi district with at least two rivers meeting the sea forming beautiful backwaters with small islands filled with lush green.

If you are up for it, ask for a man who will take you on a backwaters ride on his boat. He is not fond of publicity and asked me sternly not to mention his name or contact in my blog.

'If they really need the ride, they will find me', he said. Either the man is a Buddha in the making or makes enough to get his daily fix of spicy meen rassa( Fish Curry) and Rice, and is not looking for anything more.

Anyway the road up to the beach is scenic, it is best to either cycle all the way to Delta beach stopping along the way from Udupi or driving all the way. But do make sure that you walk or cycle a bit to truly appreciate the variety that nature here has to offer.

Google map link: 

Take a shot at surfing(the waves)

Picture credit: Shaka Surf Club

On the way to Delta beach, in Kodi Bengre, right across the beach is a small white structure called 'Shaka Surf Club'. Run by Ishita Malviya and Tushar Pathiyan, this surf club is making waves in the country and abroad.

Surfing has been on my challenges list for a while, but I still haven't gotten around it yet. But I am hoping that 2017 is the year I finally get on the surfboard, and maybe my teachers are going to be this pioneering couple.

So yes, if you feel like taking lessons, book your lessons here.

Take a shot(or a few) of Toddy

Picture credit: Ajit Karkera

But if the humidity of the coast is getting to you, then you must get some Toddy. No no, I insist that you must try some. Udupi's coastline is palm lined and Toddy, made from the fermented sap of the palm, is a bit of a rural favourite.

Now contrary to what you expect, Toddy is not that easy to find. And good Toddy even more so.

But very close to the Surf club is a hut. A hut where miracles are said to happen(actually no one says that). This is the hut where they serve the frothy liquid which has both refreshing and a slightly intoxicating effect. But the real fun is to enjoy some local sea food and Chicken delicacies with the drink. Marvai Sukka or Clams cooked in a local dry coconut gravy be mah personal favourite.

To enjoy good things in life you have to be disciplined and Toddy is no different, arrive a little later than 11am and you run the risk of the shop running out of the effervescent drink. Even if you find it later in the day it loses its sweetness and does not taste as great as it does earlier in the day.

How to find the place? 

While you approach Delta beach on the narrow road with the backwaters to your right and the sea to your left, there is a small, non-descript hut towards the sea side. If you see some young men hanging around with a longing look in their eyes, you've found the place.

Have a few Fish lunches

As you must have noticed, Sea Food has already featured a couple of times in this blog. That is because the region's popular cuisine revolves around Fish. I know some people in Udupi who have a terrible mood on a rare day that they have to go without a a Fish meal.

So it is only obvious that you try out a few Fish lunches while you are there. There are many restaurants serving these, but look for the small ones which seem to specialise in Fish. You never know, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant may turn out to be a great find.

Almost all Fish restaurants serve finger licking curries, but the two where I have eaten and can recommend are Mahalaxmi in Malpe and Pingara in Manipal. Drooling already? Hota hai, hota hai.

Get a drink at Dee Tee's

This place can only be described in one word, 'legendary'.

Most students and alumni from Manipal will remember getting sloshed at this Udupi restaurant & bar-meets-pub sort of place. It is all dark indoors, you mostly stand and drink(since it is always too crowded during weekends), and they place the same set of retro songs every night.

It is a place which seems to have got the formula right by accident and now won't change for anything. You may either love the place or hate it, but I am sure it will leave an impression on you.

So go get a 'Rum and Coke' for yourself while you are there.

Google map link:

Go see the Barkur Ruins
Picture credit: Ajit Karkera

About 30-40 minute drive from Udupi is Barkur which was the historical capital of the Alupa kings. The ruins are not as magnificent as others you come across in India, but are definitely worth a visit.

Google map link:

Get a massage or hair cut at Leeds Salon

As some people would tell you, I am a loyal and family oriented puh-son. Hence it be important for me to include Leeds Hair Salon, which is owned by ma uncle.

Haha, but seriously, it isn't a bad place if you need to rest a bit, get a massage or even a trendy hair cut. Every time I go to Udupi, I get a great hair cut at this place. Plus, I don't have to pay, so that helps ;)

If you fancy visitiing Leeds Hair Salon, here is the link:

So that's it for now. Udupi is a fabulous place and not a hyper tourist destination(which is how I like it). Over the coming months, I intend to update this blog post and add more things to do.

And if you ever have a question about Udupi, reach out to me on twitter or facebook. Peace out.


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